Highlands Business Partnership
Regular Meeting of the Board of Director's
March 18, 2004
Henry Hudson Regional High School

Executive Session
Carla Cefalo-Braswell (CCB), HBP President, called the 2004 Annual meeting to order at 7:22 p.m. There was a meeting quorum for action.

ELECTION (7:30 PM-8 PM):
Election is conducted by HBP Committee Members. Upon conclusion and tally of votes, results are as follows:

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNER - 1 SEAT: Eddy Sousa, Sandy Hook Cottage
BUSINESS OPERATORS - 3 SEATS: Kathryn Lustig, Christine Michelle Handmade, William Weber, Nauvoo @ Sandy Hook and Anne Parmelee, Parmelee & Parmelee LLP
Executive Session was closed by a motion by Joan Wicklund, second by Fred Rosiak with all in favor the session was closed at 8:00 p.m.

Public Session
Carla Cefalo-Braswell called the public session of the HBP Board of Directors to order at 8:05 p.m.

Meeting attendance: P = present A = absent

L. Bodnar-Nolan A L. Kochanik P R. O’Neil P E. Sousa P
C. Cefalo-Braswell P J. Koenig P A. Parmelee P J. Urbanski A
J. Cosgrove P M. Kovic P F. Rosiak P F. Rosiak P
John Nasti P K. Lustig P AJ Solomon P J. Wicklund P
B. Weber P      

50% plus one = quorum (9/17)
Fifteen were in attendance for quorum
Additional Committee Members in attendance were: Nick Evangelista, VIC Chairs Marcia Shaya and Nancy Thomas.


HBP BOD Minutes of the January 29, 2004 Meeting
Minutes were reviewed and a motion by Eddy Sousa and second by Joan Wicklund to accept the minutes into corporate record. With all in favor the minutes shall be included in corporate records and added to our Website for public access.

Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report as of March 18, 2004 was read. As of today 3/18/04 there was a balance of $27,221.23, less Outstanding checks of $22,035.16. Our Fidelity Prime Money market account had $18,117.00 and our Fidelity Short Fixed Income had $ 3,731.00. A motion was made by Fred Rosiak to accept the Treasurer’s Report and second by John Koenig. With all in favor the Treasurer’s Report shall be included in corporate records..

Committee Reports
Executive Committee – Election Results were announced to the above noted election results

Visual Improvement Committee
Marcia Shaya and Nancy Thomas, Committee Co- Chairs
Design Maintenance Beautification Capital Improvements
Marcia Shaya and Nancy Thomas presented updates on the Spring and Summer Beautification program.

Economic Development – Fred Rosiak
Fred Rosiak gave an overview of Committee’s progress. He stated the ED committee is still waiting for feedback from Borough as well as DCA.

Special Events – Carla Cefalo-Braswell
Carla gave an overview of the event calendar for the upcoming St. Pat’s Parade, Seaport Craft and Clam Fest progress. Additional updates on the Allen Consulting Contract were discussed.

Marketing & Communications Committee - Eddy Sousa
Eddy presented the committee’s new ad campaign “Destination Highlands”. He provided copy of an ad campaign that will be used in the Courier and made into template formats to use for additional media opportunities.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. by a motion from Fred Rosiak, second by Joan Wicklund with all in favor the meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting of the HBP Board of Directors is:
August 19, 2004

Submitted by: Carla Cefalo-Braswell – HBP